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Drawing Venn Diagrams

lit alpine-js canvas Jul 25, 2024
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Today something struck me to attempt writing a venn diagram generator. The candidates were

  • d3
  • canvas

Lets say we want to generate the diagram for A∩B. Pseudocode wise, we can break it up like this:

  • Draw two circles A and B
  • Somehow arrive at the intersecting area and color it differently.
    • Option 1: do path arithmetic and compute intersections.
    • Option 2: Using circle equations, check if a given point is within both the circles and then paint the pixels individually

Though the above option #2 might seem easy enough to give it a try, we also have to consider more complex cases for Set expressions like A∩(B∩C). For expressions like this, the drawing algorithm needs to be a seperate strategy, and will not be scalable across all expressions.

With the initial thoughts, I realized that there is no easy route to this. Something needs to be done with Canvas. I also experimented with globalcompositeoperation where it was easy to generate the intersection, but stroke lines were all lost. (since the composite operation is global across the Canvas). Attempts to use the clip path was also futile. More digging up the internet

Lateral thinking

I then happened to read the Wikipedia article about Venn Diagram, particularly, this section. See the Related concepts section.

The Revelation

So if we are able to identify the separate intersections individually, all we need to do for generating all types of venn diagrams would be to map their results to a truth table like so: for A∩B

Sequence Color
110 Green
111 Green
xxx None

This was a big aha moment for me thru this excercise: the entire approach was re-defined and simplified by thinking along these lines. What's your aha moment you want to share ? Chip in with the comments below.

Discovering Canvas

I never did any extensive programming with the Canvas API except for integrating Chart.js charts and writing the canvas game: Play it if you like uncooked simple games Number Jump. As usual the MDN reference was top notch and two APIs struck my eye.

    1. Image Data object This allows raw management of the pixels on Canvas, as against using high level methods like lineTo, arc etc. The advantage is more control of what we can draw on the canvas, without the need for worrying about clip paths and global composite operations. The down side is we don't get to use drawing calculation related methods like transformation, gradient, scaling and rotation. But for my purpose of just drawing a Venn Diagram, it looked like the best fit for me.
    1. isPointInPath
      • Exactly what we wanted after looking at the Wikipedia article.


   paths = getPathsForCircles([..A,B,C])
   //Regex Matcher for checking an
    // array of isPointInPath for paths A,B and C
    aIntersectsBMatcher = [/11./]
   const imageData = this.ctx.getImageData(0, 0, 300, 300);
   for each pixel on ImageData:
        var pathSignature = forEach Path in A,B,C return 1 if isPointInPath(path) else return 0
             pixel.color = "green"
        } else {
             pixel.color = "white"
    ctx.putImageData(imageData, 0, 0);

Implementation details

Made the venn diagram generator a web component using Lit. The experience was rather smooth, and closely resembled the Angular APIs. I think this has great potential, given my first rub with Web Components with this excercise

Implemented the demo site using AlpineJS. Again, just wanted to try out something quick and dirty (qualities not associated with Alpine, but more towards the idea). Exercises like this teach us a lot. So instead of going through the tutorial and making my mind to do a sample later, here I was with a real world problem. So after a reference with the web site documentation (which was great), I came up with this.

So here is what I came up with


Access the demo at

Access the repo at

Next steps

May be sooner, or may be in my seventh life, I'd like to implement a generic parser for the Set expressions and implement the generation logic to make this work for any set expression. But until then, life moves on ! Take care and thanks for taking the time to read. If you have any thoughts/concerns/queries/suggestions, please chip in below.

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