Saro's Thoughts I am Open to work!
These are my thoughts and ramblings. The will be terse. As you can see the chronology, I've been a bit under the cloud on this. But hey, thats what organic is about! I hope to get better by time


  1. Drawing Venn Diagrams
    lit alpine-js canvas

    Today something struck me to attempt writing a venn diagram generator. The candidates were

  2. Go TIL

    A collection of points and gotchas that I learnt while learning Go.

  3. Fix Spellings on Your Posts!
    cli sed

    I find myself doing a lot of spelling mistakes! And, though there is awesome ecosystems on vim and Emacs, its been some time since I used vim, now that there is vscode. More on that later!

  4. Crawler Challenge in Go

    Better late than never. I've hopped on to Tour Of Go now and then, but digress quiet too often. Now I got the time and mind think to actually complete the exercises.

  5. Playing with Tables in Postgres

    Inspired by unlogged tables, I set out to do some experiments on them. This post details the learnings, and some questions around it I still have.

  6. Average Monthly Balance

    The crux of learning is doing. And to err is human; to repeat devilish. Hence you learn to create tools for fun and your own profit.

  7. Graphql and Rest - Comparison Notes
    graphql REST

    Personally, I have zero experience on the topic of GraphQL whereas I've developed and coded against REST APIs for Dogfooding usecases at work. This is a living document, and updates on the content are noted as separate paragraphs.

  8. Games I Play

  9. Being a Web Master

    Being a good citizen in web world is a thing of past. Or rather a thing from the past.

  10. Playing with Data and Candles
    python data

    A Data Game. Advent Of Code : Code :: Hanukkah Of Data : Data. This is a who-dun-it via queries on a database. Had quite a bit of fun doing it!

  11. DOM Selector queue
    javascript dsl project-ideas

    A simple DSL suggestion for a pipeline to extract and format text from HTML. Working demo here

  12. AWS - Does it?
    aws cloud

    Trading out capex is the USP of AWS and other cloud offerings. But it introduces operating expenses, capacity reservations. We are forced to think about cost efficiency while deciding on the solution. Automated controls require more measure and hence more costs. Is this a worthy trade-off ? Are we thinking about what to solve or how to solve ? Is the c loud offering value points same across customer sizes ?

  13. Making a periscope
    paper DIY

    I've been thinking about constructing a periscope - the DIY way.

  14. Getting back my system from a kernel crash
    arch linux pacman crash

    Upgrading a package from the pacman cache after a system crash on a new package install.

  15. Man-in-the-middle for mitmproxy
    mitmproxy debugging python

    This is about how I analyzed this bug in mitmproxy and learnt something new.